NOTE FROM JEFF: This post is an excerpt from my latest On the Brink Special report which you can read in its entirety here:
In the original post I honour three people whose work mean a lot to me. William Engdahl is one of them. This post is honouring...
In case any of this has made you think of 'conspiracy theory', let me introduce you to my next guest who, perhaps more than anyone else in the world, has been able to identify and name the greatest TRUE conspirators of the 20th century.
first heard of William Engdahl in 2009 while I was living on Great
Barrier Island New Zealand and getting involved in activism to create
awareness about the lethal bio-cide 1080 that has been massively and
indiscriminately deployed throughout Aotearoa since the late
1950's. I had known about 1080 from a conversation with marine biologist
Wade Doak in 2000, but in 2009 I was in touch with film-maker Clyde
Graf who with his brother Steve produced a fantastic documentary film
called Poisoning Paradise about the 1080 debacle in NZ. Around this time I created my blog Rachels-Carson-of-Today in honour of my biggest of human heroes. Carson's monumental work Silent Spring
published in 1962 catalyzed the modern environmental movement and
created massive awareness about the dangers of both chemical and
radio-logical toxins. That 1080 was the D.D.T. of New Zealand was not in
question; the question was, why was so much of a substance banned in
the rest of the world because of its threat to human health, being
deployed so heavily in such a small country?
was suspicious about it from day one, especially after I heard
fairy-tales being propagated about how it was a 'magic bullet' that
somehow only killed the harmful target species and that it miraculously
'broke down' into 'salt and vinegar', complete with an All Blacks player munching a bag of crisps. I already knew that NZ had the world's highest per capita
rate of pesticide use, one of the world's highest incidences of cancer,
and that these two items were not unrelated. I was also skeptical of
the 'evil possum' propaganda campaign which seemed highly exaggerated if
not entirely fabricated.
The dangers of the emerging paradigm of genetic engineering had been
clear ever since I did an interview with Christchurch-based investment
broker and researcher Charles Drace in 2002 after he published
the world's first compendium on the subject. He was concerned about the
economic impacts this could have on New Zealand whose economy relies
heavily on agricultural exports.
I came across Engdahl's book Seeds of Destruction published in 2007. After reading it and being particularly blown away by the chapter 'The Brotherhood of Death', I got in touch with him and asked permission to post excerpts on my new Rachels Carson blog, which he granted.
me, this chapter remains one of the most pivotal documents in the whole
field of investigative journalism: it identifies specific organizations
and individuals who have served as the 'scientific' and 'medical'
henchmen and mechanics for the foundational eugenicists enslaving the
world with the Moloch of money and control of real resources like
hydro-carbons and food. These people might have passed, but not only
does their legacy survive, the next generation of their successors are
less human and more highly financed; the 'brotherhood of death' has been
enshrined, embedded and institutionalized throughout all domains of the
MIC as well as consumer society. They are the cult of weaponization.
I will touch on what I consider to be a few of Engdahl's greatest
revelations which tie together the hydro-carbon industry, GMO's, think
tanks, Covid, and polio. The name Rockefeller is the common element, and fraud in the service of capitalism and eugenics the common goal.
1) Hydro-carbons (oil, petroleum) are not 'fossil fuels' but are abiogenic:
they are not made from dinosaurs but are constantly being created by
geo-chemical processes deep in the Earth's mantle. The twin myths of
'fossil fuels' and 'peak oil' were concocted by a fraudulent scientist
named King Hubbert under contract to the Rockefellers.
2) 'Genetic engineering' is really just the new name for 'eugenics' and has never been about 'feeding the world' but about eliminating the 'useless eaters.' Monsanto alone is responsible for Agent Orange, 'terminator genes', Roundup,
and myriad bio-medical monstrosities and franken-foods. From day one,
GMO's have been seen as a method of population control, second only to
atomic weapons. All the Covid-jabs are a form of genetic engineering.
3) 'Think tanks' like the Atlantic Council and their cousins the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, and lower-profile ones like Tavistock, Mitre, Rand and Booz, Allen & Hamilton
are in the employ of the private foundations and banking cartel to
think up, plan, and orchestrate all of the weirdest and most destructive
activities we see, from wars to wild-fires to shootings to terrorism to
'price shocks' to celebrity malfeasance to water fluoridation to masks
and jabs. Fake alien invasions? On the drawing board for sure. And
darling D.A.R.P.A. is really just a think tank of morally bankrupt science-nerd cone-heads.
4) The PCR test was never meant to be used to detect Covid, or any other so-called disease or infection, according to its creator Kary Mullis, who
won a Nobel Prize for it; it is a laboratory technology designed to
measure stray genetic material. It's use for Covid, alongside complicit
mainstream media, has been the lynch-pin for the whole operation to have
the success it has; this hoax, along with the equally-bogus 'asymptomatic transmission' are the work of Christian Drosten, another Rockefeller fake-science contractor.
5) Polio was not only not caused by a 'virus', but by D.D.T.,
but the entire concept of 'virus' as a discrete autonomous pathogen is
fraudulent science based on the work of yet another Rockefeller tool
named Simon Flexner. The new arch-villain 'virus' could
not only take the heat for chemical toxicity from industrial
contaminants, it could now be great PR, crying out to be eradicated by
the up and coming Rockefeller-sponsored pharmaceutical industry.
If you think these things are mind-blowing, read Engdahl's books,
each of which is a major chapter in the true history of the 20th into
the 21st century. Humanity would do well to employ William Engdahl to
tell the history of the modern world as it really happened and is
happening, not as foundation-owned academicians and media have been paid
to tell it.
If you think a lot of this stuff smacks of Hitler and the Third Reich,
especially the weird experimentation, eugenics and depopulation agendas,
you won't be surprised to learn that the Nazi's got all these
ideologies and methodologies from their predecessors and financiers in
the UK and America, specifically, Rockefeller-funded and affiliated
organizations and institutions. Apparently, one of Hitler's favourite
books was Darwin's On the Origin of Species. Not many people know the sub-title is 'Or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.'
killing the 'evil possums' and other 'invasive pests' like rats,
weasels and stoats isn't the real purpose of New Zealand's
military-level chemical warfare assault on-going for over 60 years, what
is? Several years ago I learned that 1080 is 24.5% fluorine by
molecular weight. I was already aware of the centrality of F, the most
reactive of all the elements, in the nerve gas and insecticide
industries, and that the real reason for its use in drinking water was
because of its well-known neurotoxicity that targets specific regions of
the brain. Fluoride makes people docile and submissive.
My hypothesis is that, in the spirit of the 'brotherhood of death', the real purpose of New Zealand's 1080 blitzkrieg is not to kill 'pests' per se but to fluoridate the entire biosphere and therefore the human population for 'resource management' ends. This kind of operation could easily be overseen by Tavistock in particular as New Zealand is a crown affiliate.
I have been astonished at New Zealand's extraordinarily high level of
voluntary and unquestioning compliance during the Covid-era debacle,
their obedience to and even infatuation with a leader who is clearly
Tavistock-trained and a New World Order conspirator.
Could this unforeseen success on behalf of the powers that be have
anything to do with 1080 and its motherlode of elemental fluorine? You
be the judge.
Chossudovsky, Fuellmich, RFK Jr., Carrie Madej and William Engdahl are
all very aware and courageous people working on behalf of humanity...but
do any of them dare to question the pre-eminence of 'man, the wise' in
the grand scheme of things?
THIS may be the biggest quantum-leap of all time.