The wildlife tracking program is what Argos is best known for, especially for sea turtles and marine mammals,
Rocket Lab officials wrote in their press kit for the mission. 'There
are currently 22,000 active transmitters around the world that the Argos system is monitoring, with almost 7,800 tracking wildlife,' officials wrote (opens in new tab).
'It Argos Up From Here' is Rocket Lab's 31st Electron mission and the first partnership between Rocket Lab and General Atomics, according to Rocket Lab. The company's last launch on Sept. 16 lofted the Strix-1 satellite on behalf of Synspective."
Sounds to me like
the wild-life comment is just some feel-good PR to distract from the
glaring fact that this kind of thing smacks heavily of 'internet of
things' and is clearly military, just like anything that Synspective or General Atomics makes or does. Maybe the wild-life is being tracked so it can be eliminated???????
expert admonitions that 'strandings are natural'...just like 'climate
change'...the frequency, signatures and timing of these 'unusual
morbidity events' tell us otherwise. If you are content for these whale
strandings to be written of as 'oh that's a shame isn't it? or 'just
another natural disaster', just get your information from the BBC or
high-profile CCE's, Celebrity Cetacean Experts reading from vintage and identical scripts, their musings legacy if not paleo. If,
however, you can't swallow the bullshit, and want to descend into the
abyss of military-industrial destructiveness as I have been doing for
many years, don your scuba-gear and take a deep breath. All of this
heaviness is rendered more endurable thanks to all the nitrogen we
constantly breathe even when not diving, but that's another story.
The Nordstream pipe-line blew up at exactly the same time that NASA allegedly bullied the Dimorphos
asteroid; just as I am about to send this post, Russia launches her new
'dooms-day' submarine, so we're told by msm. If it were a genuine
stealth weapon, why announce it? To strike fear? Or to follow the script
that instructed Russia to invade Ukraine on like the same day that
Covid crashed and burned. The Hunt for Red October? What month is this? Right...Just like with crocs, if you can see it it's not after you: it's the ones you can't see that are the danger. The
spectacle of war and might, the rattling of sabres and the blowing of
ballast. Rocket launches and submarine christenings have replaced
goose-stepped marching and tank battalions. Flags seen only on
camera. The militaries of the world are mobilizing at elevated
alert levels, hopefully for PR and entertainment value, but we never
know. High-tech weapons do occasionally have misadventures.
There's a HUGE message with all this. Comprehension may allow successful
re-navigation of the human process just enough to lessen the severity
of the Purification sufficiently to allow the continued existence of
life as we know her. Then again...

"There are 320 million cubic miles of water on Earth and that is all we’re ever going to get.
water realm is known as the hydrosphere and it is overwhelmingly
oceanic. Ninety-seven percent of all the water on Earth is in the seas,
the greater part of it in the Pacific, which covers half the planet and
is bigger than all the landmasses put together. Altogether the Pacific
holds just over half of all the ocean water (51.6 percent to be
precise); the Atlantic has 23.6 percent and the Indian Ocean 21.2
percent, leaving just 3.6 percent to be accounted for by all the other
seas. The average depth of the ocean is 2.4 miles, with the Pacific on
average about a thousand feet deeper than the Atlantic and Indian
Oceans. Altogether 60 percent of the planet’s surface is ocean more than
a mile deep. As Philip Ball notes, we would better call our planet not Earth but Water."
Bill Bryson A Short History of Nearly Everything

within this small scrap of cosmic detritus, we mammals of the sea both
large and small have been graced with the major endowment. Consider...
The surface of this planet measures 197 million square miles and of that
139 million square miles is covered with water. But wait – that is only
one concept of our dimension, a limited anthropomorphic concept. To
move with us you must learn to think in terms of space, not distance.
For example. The average depths of our nine-tenths of the planetary area
is 12, 566 feet; in fact, were the bumpy sections of the land surface
of earth – those parts you call mountains – smoothed flat so that the
planet became a perfect sphere, the entire surface would be covered with
water to a depth of 8,000 feet. Yes, there is that much water!
And we are not confined, as you were before this visit, to the thin film
of living space that is the dry land. How high have you built, or how
deep have you burrowed on the land? A few thousand feet at most! And to
use these paltry intrusions into the sky or the land – to live there –
you depend on machinery. You are like birds who may climb trees but
cannot fly.
Our world – our living room, counting all our head room, and
side room, room before and room behind, the surfaces above and the
depths below – is 331 million cubic miles!"
The Lure of the Dolphin, Robin Brown
"To the dolphin alone, beyond all others, Nature has given what the best philosophers seek, friendship for no advantage; yet it is friend to all men and has often given great aid."
thousand years ago, in the ancient Mediterranean, the dolphin, a small
whale, was the door-way to profound religious mysteries and the honored
guardian of life in the sea. Gemistos Pletho, a fifteenth-century Byzantine philosopher, saw the dolphin swimming through the sea as the mind of God in the waters. More recently, Melville reckoned that if God returned to Earth in our life-time, it would be in the guise of the whale.
We have, for too long now, accepted a view of non-human life which denies other creatures’ feelings,
imagination, consciousness, and awareness. It seems that in our craze
to justify our exploitation of all non-human life-forms, we have
stripped from them any attributes which could stay our hand. Try for a
moment, if you can, to imagine the imagination of a whale, or the
awareness of a dolphin. That we cannot make those leaps of vision is
because we are bound to a cultural view which denies their possibility.
We are bound to a vision that leads us further away from nature and further away from each other."
Joan McIntyre, Mind in the Waters (1974)
live stranded cetacean is a miracle that went through hell to stay
alive and because of that should be given any help imaginable to
the worlds of more advanced civilizations totally geometrized, entirely
rebuilt by their inhabitants? Or would the signature of a really advanced civilization be that they left no sign at all?"
Carl Sagan, Contact