"We travel together, passengers on a little spaceship, dependent upon its vulnerable reserves of air and soil, all committed for our safety to its security and peace; preserved from annihilation only by the care, the work, and, I will say, the love we give our fragile craft. We cannot maintain it half fortunate, half miserable, half confident, half despairing, half slave to the ancient enemies of man, half free in a liberation of resources undreamed of until this day. No craft, no crew can travel safely with such vast contradictions. On their resolution depends the survival of us all."


Tuesday, August 16, 2022



NOTE FROM JEFF: This post is an excerpt from my latest On the Brink Special report which you can read in its entirety here:


In the original post I honour three people whose work mean a lot to me. Carrie Madej is one of them. This post is honouring...

 ...Carrie for many years of health education, revelations of astonishing science-fiction level technologies in use against us, carrying the torch and keeping the faith of a spiritual path. To me, she is the paragon of scientific expertise and insight, spiritual inspiration and power, common-sense re-navigation and and fearless activism. She recently survived what could easily have been a fatal plane crash that occurred 3 days after her latest and extraordinarily brilliant interview, and is now back on-line stronger than ever.)


Dr. Carrie Madej ("Go ahead...make Ma-DEJ") and William Engdahl are to me the absolute pinnacles of people who know what's really going on and who are doing something about it, not only through hands-on work like medical practice and strategic consulting, but even more by sharing their information, story, research and world-view. Unlike me, a low-profile below-the-radar educator/activist, these guys reach people by the millions. At some point I would like to do a radio show/interview and blog post about each of them individually.


The main difference between the influential non-compliants above and Madej is that she is a woman...an exuberant and vibrant woman. I only heard of her about 2 years ago when all the Covid stuff started to explode. Unlike a lot of 'experts', solid evidence of her pre-Covid existence is documented. The first video of hers I watched was Humanity 2.0: A Wake-Up Call to the World and I was deeply impressed by her breadth and depth of knowledge and awareness. She was putting the Covid jab thing into the context of trans-humanism, a new paradigm that Jules Stanley of ucy.tv had long been addressing (and that got her youtube channel shut down), with people like Elon Musk and Ray Kurzweil as high-profile proponents. I was also impressed by her strong 'born again' Christianity expressed in the coolest possible way: not being a 'missionary' which is what turns a lot of people off to the mainstream factions but sharing the power of her own beliefs and experience, and backing up the 'love' thing with solid scientific evidence of, for example, the field-effect of the human heart.

She has a joyful approach to the heaviest stuff, is extremely well-informed and able to articulate advanced concepts in an understandable way, offers important common-sense real-world advice, for example, take your children out of public schools and make sure your drinking water is pure, and just has a lovely disposition and mannerisms. She is to me the single most powerful full-spectrum sharer of what is really going on with Covidosis.

Even though Jesus wasn't a Christian, I consider myself to be one in a functional, expanded and non-delimiting kind of way; I am not about being one socially, going to church and all that. I have read a lot of the Bible but it's the Old Testament that has all the good stuff like pillars of fire and seas parting, floods and whale-swallowing! The Christian brotherhood is a very real and powerful force or network. My point is that 'a rose by any other name is still a rose': you could take Madej's talks and substitute 'cosmic love' for 'Jesus' and 'the archives of enlightened science' for 'the Bible' and not only would it make just as much sense, it would then become non-religious per se and therefore more general purpose and bring in a lot of people who aren't fans of mainstream religion...understandably so. Is it possible that true believers could be healed or have their demons exorcised in the name of Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny?

Miracles are very real...my own life attests to that. I honour and talk about my 'guardian angels' all the time but I frame it in a spiritual as opposed to religious context. My guardian angels are non-denominational!  

Over the last few months Carrie Madej had become invisible on my radar. She has been banned from a lot of msm platforms as would be expected, but just when I was about to seek out her latest, I saw that she had almost been killed in the crash of a small plane in late June. In one of her talks she had mentioned that at one point a few years ago she left the USA out of concern for her life. She told of what happened to Dr. Jeffrey Bradshaw, a researcher who had conclusive evidence that autism is caused by vaccines, testified to Congress twice, then was found dead from gun-shot wounds but ruled a suicide.

I listened to Madej's first interview, several weeks after the crash, the severity of which could have killed both her and her boyfriend/pilot but miraculously they both escaped serious injury. Multiple anomalies as well as known modi operandi for covert assassination made it clear this was not an 'accident'; what can only be described as miracles...or guardian angels...enable her to carry on now more powerfully than ever.

I know all too well how sinister the powers that be are. Routinely taking out people they don't like comes as easily to them as having sex with a goat or visiting Epstein's Island (omg my mind just flashed on a parody with Gilligan's Island...Ginger and Mary-Anne as 12-year olds with chastity belts...yikes!) We all know about the high-profile assassinations of people like JFK, RFK, MLK, Gandhi, John Lennon. Funny how the 'lone nuts' all had CIA connections. We also know that in the last 2 years, the leaders of 4 African countries were either killed or narrowly escaped...leaders who would not comply with W.H.O. pandemicism. I think the presidents of Haiti and Japan were taken out for similar reasons. A huge number of scientists and researchers have experienced anomalous and untimely demises in the Covidocene era.

Lesser known or suspected, however, are the untimely deaths of highly influential non-compliants of earlier decades like singer John Denver, musician Frank Zappa, and Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.

Denver and Zappa both testified in the U.S. Senate against the PMRC censorship thing in 1986. Denver said his best and most important work was Let Us Begin/What are we Making Weapons For?, recorded with musicians from Russia. In the video a U.S. nuclear missile is shown being launched with the Westinghouse logo on it. Shortly after this came out, RCA terminated his recording contract then his experimental plane mysteriously crashed in 1993.

Frank Zappa was on the brink of running for the California senate and would very likely have got elected; in his auto-biography, the Real Frank Zappa Book, he laid out a detailed plan for how he would remodel the entire U.S. bureaucracy if elected president. If you watch his Senate testimony, omfg he was torching Tipper Gore and VP hubbie Al with a flame-thrower of well-deserved diatribe replete with Nazi analogies. Almost out of the blue, in 1996 I think it was, he was diagnosed with extremely virulent prostate cancer and died a few months later.

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs stated explicitly in an interview that I read in full (I probably have it in an old hard-drive), I thought it was Rolling Stone but maybe not, that the cancer he had been battling had been induced from radiation poisoning by the CIA. He said that they had approached him and wanted him to include some 'back door' technologies in his computers. He wouldn't go along with it. Polonium poisoning, for example, results in or is indistinguishable from cancer. I think he died in 2011.

Astronomer Carl Sagan also died prematurely in 1996, from a rare form of leukemia. Some think he got it from protesting against nuclear weapons over 100 times at the highly radio-active ground zero location of the Nevada Test Site. But Sagan was extremely high-profile, highly influential in academia, government and Hollywood, and perhaps THE most out-spoken critic and more importantly, opponent, of all things nuclear the world has ever seen, particularly the weapons industry establishment.

After listening to Madej's first post-crash interview, I went back and listened to the last one she did before the crash...only 3 days before. I was blown away. This was by far her very best interview out of dozens I had heard. She was in peak form, her awesome synergy of scientific acumen, distrust of authority, first-hand encounters with the 'dark side', spiritual acknowledgement and empowerment, frequent smiles and expressions of astonishment, and certainty of positive outcomes all shining like a super-nova of love!

I watched this talk a second time and took a whole page of notes. She opens by saying that the real causes of illnesses are not generally known to the public and that 'vaccines' in general are harmful but specifically, the Covid jabs are dangerous and untested experimental genetic engineering technologies. I could not agree more, and so do Chossudovsky, Fuellmich and RFK Jr.

I STRONGLY recommend that you watch this brilliant interview. Not only will you learn a LOT of extremely important stuff, you will get a big dose of her own healing energy.

Was this interview damaging enough to the New World Order agenda to get her contracted? YOU be the judge. If so, it didn't work!

This talk differs from earlier ones not only in the higher density of information transfer and her ever-more well-honed concerned-but-friendly disposition, but in that she shared, possibly for the first time, her original introduction to nano-technology in a presentation by a military researcher when she was in medical school that left her and her class-mates stunned. She mentions the names of key players like Bill Gates and Elon Musk, and nefarious agencies like D.A.R.P.A. and the Alimentarius Codex. This was not new, but she mentioned some things I hadn't heard of like optogenetics and 'social bonding' as some kind of A.I. stock-market thing. She also recommends the film Minority Report, based on the 1956 novel by Philip K. Dick. I have seen it twice and it may be Steven Spielberg's only film with any social relevance, kind of like a cross between The Matrix and Orwell's thought police.

The new name that stood out to me was Sanjay Gupta, an Atlanta-based neuro-surgeon who apparently is a huge proponent of all things trans-human and has expressed these views pervasively on CNN and Sesame Street. I just watched a few minutes of Gupta...obviously a nefarious entity. Possibly a scanner and adrenochrome junkie. Madej clearly has a great disdain for this person, an advocate for 'electronic immortality', who she has met at 'small business owner' meetings she used to attend where she was exposed to these ideologies and at which she was unsuccessfully recruited. She mentions several times how these people creeped her out, how their eyes are cold and different, that 'they are not like us.' If you watch Sanjay Gupta talk with Joe Rogan, he seems like a jab-happy trans-human already.

Given the force and comprehensive impact of Madej's talk, her disdain and ridicule of the whole she-bang, and the extent of her public visibility, the powers that be may have likened this to Bradshaw's congressional testimony. Even though her crash is being investigated, whoever may have engineered it could just as easily engineer the investigation. The plane engine must have developed a 'mystery illness'. Maybe IT got Covid? Piston-pox?

We may never know what really happened, but it doesn't matter. Carrie Madej continues to shine more brightly now than ever, and probably won't be flying in any more small planes.


In case any of this has made you think of 'conspiracy theory', let me introduce you to my next guest who, perhaps more than anyone else in the world, has been able to identify and name the greatest TRUE conspirators of the 20th century.

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