"We travel together, passengers on a little spaceship, dependent upon its vulnerable reserves of air and soil, all committed for our safety to its security and peace; preserved from annihilation only by the care, the work, and, I will say, the love we give our fragile craft. We cannot maintain it half fortunate, half miserable, half confident, half despairing, half slave to the ancient enemies of man, half free in a liberation of resources undreamed of until this day. No craft, no crew can travel safely with such vast contradictions. On their resolution depends the survival of us all."


Sunday, January 19, 2020



“These sprays, dusts, and aerosols are now applied almost universally to farms, gardens, forests, and homes—non-selective chemicals that have the power to kill every insect, the ‘good’ and the ‘bad,’ to still the song of birds and the leaping of fish in the streams, to coat the leaves with a deadly film, and to linger on in the soil—all this though the intended target may be only a few weeds or insects. Can anyone believe it is possible to lay down such a barrage of poisons on the surface of the earth without making it unfit for all life? They should not be called ‘insecticides,’ but ‘biocides.“

SILENTSPRING, Rachel Carson, 1962

‘100% Clean and Green New Zealand’ annually deploys throughout its entire biosphere…on land, via aerial dispersion into water-catchments, every national park, and into the ocean…thousands of kilograms of one of the deadliest poisons that have been created by man. New Zealand imports around 90% of the entire quantity of 1080 that is manufactured in the world annually.

1)   1080 is similar chemically to naturally occurring plant toxins BUT IT IS SYNTHETIC AND NOT THE SAME THING. In the same way that uranium occurs naturally in topsoil all over the world, and is an essential ingredient for life in its naturally occurring form, what man has done with it has transformed it into a monstrous weapon. Chemists have done this with countless plant substances…mimicked, mutated and weaponized them.

2)   1080 was first synthesized in 1896 but was widely used in World War 2 in a variety of ways. It has been banned in the USA since 1973 and in almost every other nation because of its threat to human health.

3)   1080 is 24.5 % fluorine by molecular weight. Fluorine is the most reactive of all the elements, and along with uranium is the most highly weaponized element. Most of the first generation of nerve gases and chemical weapons were based on fluorine. 1080 is a legacy of that family of compounds. 1080 cannot ‘break down’ into anything simpler than its constituent elements, so for every kilogram of 1080 deployed, around 250 grams of elemental fluorine are deposited into the NZ biosphere. As it cannot ‘break down’ any further, this fluorine then becomes assimilated into the environment in innumerable unknown ways. Like uranium, fluorine is known to be a ‘bone seeker’ because of its affinity for calcium.

NOTE ON FLUORINE: Fluorine does occur in nature bound up with other elements in stable minerals, but when it is released in a concentrated synthetic form, it displays its full level of extreme and unpredictable reactivity:  elemental fluorine is in itself highly neuro-toxic. A common fluorine compound, sodium fluoride, is ubiquitous in modern society. It is the most common ingredient in rat poison. It is also precisely the same substance that is added to toothpaste and to public drinking water supplies, including approximately 60% of those in NZ.

4)   1080 acts by disrupting the Krebs Cycle, which is the animal kingdom’s equivalent of photosynthesis:  this is how the mitochondria, tiny ‘power house’ organelles who live in every cell of all animal life, from microbes to moose, amoebas to elephants, possums, keas, rats, cats, fish and turtles, create the energy that drives all processes of cellular metabolism. Death by 1080 is a long drawn-out and excruciatingly agonizing process for anyone afflicted and has been likened to being electrocuted for around 18 hours.

5)   1080 is highly water-soluble and is transported rapidly via water-ways. 1080 and/or it’s by-products…primarily fluorine and sodium…the two ingredients of rat poison…and has likely concentrated in all bodies of fresh water in NZ as well as in wetlands, estuaries and the ocean environment close to the shore at any river mouth. This is where all run-off from the land goes…

6)   1080 is an endocrine disruptor, a class of chemicals that interfere with hormones in animals and adversely affect fertility, for example. Endocrine disruptors are active at the level of parts per TRILLION. No test exists for 1080 at that level of sensitivity but if it did, 1080 and/or its daughter products would show up almost everywhere…in food, in agricultural products, in our bodies, in our water.

7)   Animals and people may receive sub-lethal doses which do not kill them outright but exert negative health effects and compromise or debilitate the proper functioning of the life-form indefinitely.

8)   1080 and other poisons bio-accumulate in tissues and organs in all animals and plants as well, and tend to be stored and concentrated in the liver, whose job it is to try to detox this kind of thing. As the years go by with chronic exposure, the levels increase and thresholds of various symptoms may begin to express, in the same way that bio-accumulation of aluminium and heavy metals like lead, zinc and mercury are known to induce Alzheimer’s disease.

9)   Synergistic effects also occur between various pesticides. For example, the toxicity of 1080 can be amplified hundreds or even thousands of time when it is ingested or assimilated in the presence of other pesticides.

10)                 Secondary poisoning occurs when an animal that has been poisoned by 1080 dies then its carcass lies there rotting and is eaten or consumed by other animals, whether they are microbes in water or on land, insects, birds, or anything else. The poison and/or its by-products then enter the body of that organism and proceed on down the line with bio-accumulation, more secondary poisoning and synergisms.

11)                 Many species of native birds are being pushed to the brink of extinction by 1080, like the kea for example. Many well-documented cases exists of many dead kea found in the wake of 1080 drops. A friend of mine just bicycled across Arthur’s Pass two days ago (18 Jan 2020) and noted that in the village of Arthur’s Pass, where normally dozens of happy keas would always be seen, he didn’t see a single one.

12)                 Ambient bird-song is a useful measure of the health and vibrancy of any local eco-system. In the Te Urewera National Park in the Hawkes Bay region, for example, 1080 has never been used and is being kept out by the local iwi. Here and in other places that have never had 1080 have magnificent amounts of undisrupted bird-song…even thought the stoats, weasels and rats live there, too.

13)                 Numerous reports exist of back-packers, trampers and tourists being exposed to or coming into contact with 1080 while out in nature. Having pellets dropped on them from helicopters, for example. At least one fatality from 1080 has occurred in this way, from a foreign tramper who got some 1080 gel on her from foliage. Interestingly, during the forensic investigation, her heart mysteriously disappeared on the way to the laboratory, derailing the inquiry. The heart would have proved how she died.

14)                 As of 2010, a decade ago, New Zealand had deployed approximately 200,000 kgs of 1080 since the late 1950’s when this true chemical warfare campaign began. Of that, approximately 50,000 kgs is elemental fluorine, in itself neuro-toxic and one of the most heavily weaponized substances existing in the chemical arsenals. Fluorine was heavily researched by the Atomic Energy Commission as a weapon. Since 2010, the amount deployed in NZ has only increased. The net result is equivalent to the FLUORIDATION OF NEW ZEALAND’S ENTIRE BIOSPHERE in the same way that public drink water supplies are fluoridated…with rat poison.


A complete lack of scientific understanding characterizes New Zealand’s socio-political mentality. New Zealand is no more ‘100% Clean and Green’ than milk Is black or fish is a veggie!  NZ’s use of 1080 is unprecedented and unparalleled in the world of today: it IS chemical warfare in the truest sense. ALL of life is adversely affected. It is in no way a ‘magic bullet’ that kills only ‘pests’ or ‘vermin’ but harms no one else. New Zealand cannot be ‘Nuclear Free’ any more than any other place on the Earth, as the radio-nuclides from the global nuclear scenario have permeated the bones of anything that has bones with strontium-90, which is only one of almost 2,000 similar radio-active isotopes in the biosphere. If any animals are a threat to the health of eco-systems, it would be dairy cows and sheep, who require heaps of land, water and food. I have traveled extensively all over both islands and done a lot of remote wilderness tramping in Fiordland, for example. And I have yet to see a forest that has been damaged by possums eating their leaves. And 1080 is only one of hundreds of poisons used in NZ.

New Zealand has by far the highest per capita level of pesticide use in the world, and also one of the highest per capita rates of cancer. These two facts are not unrelated.

In the same way that a true ‘Zero Carbon’ New Zealand would necessarily be completely devoid of any form of life as we know her…carbon being the primary building block of life and carbon dioxide the ‘oxygen of the plant kingdom’…a true ‘Pest Free’ New Zealand would have no dairy cows, no sheep, and no homo sapiens: we are the greatest invasive species these islands have ever seen.

For every piece of information I have shared and every point I have made, I can provide highly credible scientific sources.


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