Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, 1991:
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill [this is absolute proof that man made global warming is a fabrication]…. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”
World Resources Institute International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN):
The IUCN involves the EPA, US Fish & Wildlife Service, the National Park Service, the United States Forest Service, Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy, the National Wildlife Fund, the National Audubon Society, National Resources Defense Council, UNESCO, the Environmental Defense Fund, the U.N. Environmental Program, etc. .
"The United Nations classifies chemical weapons as “…chemical substances, whether gaseous, liquid or solid, which might be employed because of their direct toxic effects on man, animals and plants…” Most nerve agents, and many pesticides, are organo-phosphorus compounds and they share a common method of action on the human body…At low levels of exposure the effect of chemical weapons may not be acute, but instead result in chronic health problems…repeated exposure to non-lethal doses caused a reduction in the number of acetylcholine receptors in the hippocamus , which is a portion of the brain that is responsible for memory formation. The effects of this type of degradation in humans are similar to the effects of Alzheimers disease. This effect can be caused not only by chemical weapons, but by exposure to organo-phosphorus pesticides as well… It is thought that low levels of chemical agent may have had a synergistic effect with vaccines given to soldiers in the Gulf…. So great are potential synergistic effects that the toxicity of pesticides has been shown to increase 160 to 1600 times in the presence of other pesticides. This is critical because some pesticides, like nerve agents, are organic phosphorous compounds.
1945 "Program F" is implemented by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). This is the most extensive U.S. study of the health effects of fluoride, which was the key chemical component in atomic bomb production. One of the most toxic chemicals known to man, fluoride, it is found, causes marked adverse effects to the central nervous system.
Endocrine disruptors
WHO Memos 1972 Explains How to Turn Vaccines into a Means of Killing
"Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him…The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty…I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great I.G. Farben chemical industries and was also prominent in the Nazi movement at the time. I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years' research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine --- any person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person mentally or physically."
Signed: CHARLES E. PERKINS, Chemist, 2 October, 1954.
1) Fluoride’s ability to damage the brain represents one of the most active areas of research on fluoride toxicity today.
2) The research on fluoride and the brain has been fueled by 18 human studies from China, India, Iran, and Mexico finding elevated levels of fluoride exposure to be associated with IQ deficits in children. Fluoride’s impact on IQ is exacerbated among children with low-iodine exposure.
3) The impact of fluoride on children’s IQ has been documented even after controlling for children’s lead exposure, iodine exposure, parental education and income status, and other known factors that might impact the results (Rocha-Amador 2007; Xiang 2003 a,b).
4) In addition to IQ studies, 3 studies (Yu 1996; Du 1992; Han 1989) have found that fluoride accumulates in the brain of the fetus, causing damage to cells and neurotransmitters and 1 study (Li 2004) has found a correlation between exposure to fluoride during fetal development and behavioral deficits among neonates.
5) Several recent studies have found that even adult exposures to fluoride may result in central nervous system disturbances, particularly among industrial workers.
5) The findings of neurological effects in fluoride-exposed humans is consistent with, and strengthened by, recent findings from over 40 animal studies published since 1992. As with the studies on humans, the studies on animals have reported an impairment in learning and memory processes among the fluoride-treated groups.
6) The animal studies have also documented considerable evidence of direct toxic effects of fluoride on brain tissue, even at levels as low as 1 ppm fluoride in water (Varner 1998)….
The introduction of chemical warfare was actively lobbied by I.G. Farben and by its head, Carl Duisberg. Duisberg not only urged that the German high command use poison gas at a special conference in 1914, he personally studied the toxicity of the various war gases.[4] Duisberg also supported Fritz Haber, Germany's leading scientist at the time and head of its premier scientific laboratory, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry in Berlin. In his studies of the effects of poison gas, Haber noted that exposure to a low concentration of a poisonous gas for a long time often had the same effect (death) as exposure to a high concentration for a short time. He formulated a mathematical relationship between the gas concentration and necessary exposure time. This relationship became known as Haber’s rule.
Since 1943 the military has been aware of the extreme toxicity of uranium as a gas. A Oct 30, 1943 memo from Manhattan Project physicist James B. Conant to Brig. General L.B. Abrams stated that as a gas warfare instrument the radioactive material would be ground into microscopic particles forming dust and smoke and could be distributed by ground fired projectiles, land vehicles or aerial bombs. In this form it would be inhaled by personnel. They estimated that one millionth of a gram would be fatal. There are no known methods of treatment for such casualties.
The depleted uranium DU was also recommended as a permanent terrain contaminant which could be used to destroy populations by contaminating water supplies and agricultural land with radioactive dust. Current estimates suggest that the damaged soil in Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan will need four and a half billion years to recover from the radioactive effect of DU.
The American Eugenics Society - Members, Officers And Directors Activites Database
A primary author of this is George Merck and reads like a Nazi eugenics wish-list!
1937 German manufacturing trials for nerve gas Tabun begin using fluorides.
1936 German scientist Dr.Gerhard Schrader, researching new insecticides, makes the formulation later deemed Tabun, the original nerve gas. Schrader is summoned to Berlin to demonstrate Tabun to the Wehrmacht. Tabun is an orthophosphate, as is Sarin.
1937 Adolph Hitler is interviewed by Richard Helms, a reporter for United Press International. Helms, whose grandfather was the first director of the Bank for International Settlements and past chief of the Federal Reserve, would eventually be appointed director of the CIA in the United States in 1966 and leave the CIA in 1972, after ordering the destruction of all files relating to MKULTRA. Helms made use of a vast research network in pursuit of depth persuasion and transmission of subliminal messages to population, advocated the use of high frequencies to affect the memory and unconscious mind, and mentioned in a 1964 memo to the Warren Commission the subject of biological radio communication and the use of cybernetics in the molding of a child’s character, the inculcation of knowledge, the establishment of behavior patterns and control of the growth process of the individual. The term cybernetics relates to technology that responds to thought. Richard Helms was a consultant to Bechtel.
1938 German chemist Schrader discovers Sarin, 10 times more lethal than Tabun, which is compounded into various compounds including Sodium Fluoride, which is later dumped into planetary water sup-plies to placate the population.
1939 Psychiatrists in Brandenburg Germany begin operation of gas chambers to kill mental patients.
1943 Dr. Schaltenbrand in Germany reports successful transmission of monkey encephalitis to mental patients.
1943 Diphtheria cases in Nazi occupied France rise to 47,000 after Germans force compulsory vaccination. In nearby Norway, which refused vaccinations, there were 50 cases of Diphtheria
1944 Oscar Ewing is put on the payroll of the Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA), as an attorney, at an annual salary of $750,000. Within a few months, Ewing was made Federal Security Administrator, with the announcement that he was taking a big cut in salary. The U.S. Public Health Service, then a division of the FSA, comes under the command of Ewing, and he begins to vigorously promote fluoridation nationwide. Ref: May 25-27 Hearings before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. A by-product of aluminum manufacture is toxic sodium fluoride. Ewing’s public relations strategist for the fluoride campaign was the nephew of Sigmund Freud, Edward L. Bernays. Bernays conducts a public relations campaign to promote fluorine ingestion by applying Freudian theory to induce public acceptance. It was one of Bernays most successful campaigns.
Ewing was also director of the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute and was succeeded by Dr. Cornelius Rhoads
1944 The Journal of the American Dental Association on October 1, 1944 warned that “We do know that the use of drinking water containing as little as 1.2 to 3.0 ppm of fluorine will cause such developmental disturbances in bones as osteoporosis, and we cannot run the risk of producing such systemic disturbances in applying what at present is a doubtful procedure intended to prevent development of dental disfigurement in children. In the light of our present knowledge or lack of knowledge of the chemistry of the subject, the potentialities for harm far outweigh those for good.”
1945 After being awarded the Legion of Merit for establishing chemical warfare labs in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, Cornelius Rhoads is appointed to the staff of the Atomic Energy Commission, which at that time was carrying out radiation experiments on unwitting prisoners, hospital patients, and soldiers.
1945 United States imports 642 Nazi specialists under Operation Paperclip, which continues to import specialists in all technical fields until 1973, after an initial phase lasting until 1952. A large number of Germans involved in mind control work in the concentration camps are imported into the United States. One of the German imports would be a Hasidic Jew who represented the best of the Nazi mind control programming. He would be the one to develop the mind control operations for military intelligence in the United States, and is known by the pseudonym of cabalist Dr.Greenbaum. Imported also is the methodology for deliberately creating multiple personality disassociative states to further multi-level programming, using drugs, photic, and acoustic technology. Some of the German methodology for this has existed since the late 19th century. 1945 Reinhard Gehlen comes to the United States. 1945 Newburgh, New York, has their water supply fluoridated. Subsequent exams of the children by x-ray reveal that almost 14% have cortical defects in bone, compared to the nearby unfluoridated town of Kingston, where 7.5% have bone defects. 1945 As a result of government propaganda on fluorides, the ten year Michigan study was terminated after 1 year. The fluoride-free control city, Muskegon, was then fluoridated to conceal any differential between the two cities.
1945 Postwar nitrate supplies designated to be added to food chain as fertilizer.
Nearly all Nazi war criminals convicted at Nuremberg were released early under a general amnesty order issued by John McCloy in January-February 1951.
1946 Dr. Gerson demonstrates medical proof of complete remissions of cancer in over 33% of his patients before the Pepper-Neeley Congressional Sub-Committee for Hearings on S1875, a bill to authorize the president to wage war on cancer. Lobbying forces for surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy defeat the bill by four votes. The bill supported research into dietary means for preventing and reversing cancer. Gerson's publications were black-listed and he lost his license to practice medicine in New York.
1947 National Security Act established in the United States in order to permit the extension and continuation of Nazi efforts in the United States under cover of national security, setting the stage for chemical, biological, and electronic sensitization of the population for the remainder of the 20th century. Efforts begin to convince the American public that their enemy is Communism, not fascism, setting the stage for the upcoming McCarthy period and the sham known as the cold war which would extend and continue the military industrial/pharmaceutical complex.
There is a growing resistance against adding toxic fluoride to our water supplies, but unfortunately, because fluoride has become "the lifeblood of the modern industrial economy"(Bryson 2004), there is too much money at stake for those who endorse water fluoridation . The lies of the benefits of water fluoridation will continue to be fed to the public, not to encourage health benefits to a large number of people, but to profit the military-industrial complex… In 1939 under the Alted agreement, the American Aluminum Company (ALCOA), then the worlds largest producer of sodium fluoride, and the Dow Chemical Company transferred its technology to Germany. Colgate, Kellogg, Dupont and many other companies eventually signed cartel agreements with I.G.Farben, creating a powerful lobby group accurately dubbed "the fluoride mafia"(Stephen 1995)… Fluoride remains one of the strongest anti-psychotic substances known, and is contained in twenty-five percent of the major tranquilizers. It may not seem surprising that Hitler’s regime practiced the concept of mind control through chemical means, but the American military continued Nazi research, exploring techniques to incapacitate an enemy or medicate an entire nation. As stated in the Rockefeller Report, a Presidential briefing on CIA activities, "the drug program was part of a much larger CIA program to study possible means of controlling human behavior"(Stephen 1995)… Fluoride, a waste constituent in the manufacturing processes of explosives, fertilizers and other ‘necessities’, was expensive to dispose of properly and until a ‘use’ was found for it in America’s water supplies , the substance was only considered a toxic, hazardous waste. Through sly public re-education, fluoride, once a waste product, became the active ingredient in fluorinated pesticides, fungicides, rodenticides, anaesthetics, tranquilizers, fluorinated pharmaceuticals, and a number of industrial and domestic products, fluorinated dental gels, rinses and toothpastes… Funded by US industrialists, in an attempt to encourage public acceptance of fluoride, Edward Bernays, known also as the father of PR, or the original spin doctor, began a campaign of deception to persuade public opinion.
Bernays explained "you can get practically any idea accepted if doctors are in favour. The public is willing to accept it because a doctor is an authority to most people, regardless of how much he knows or doesn’t know"(Bryson 2004).
Fluoride became impervious to criticism because of a relentless PR offensive, but also because of it’s overall toxicity. Unlike chemicals that have a signature effect, fluoride, a systemic poison, produces a range of health problems, so it’s effects are more difficult to diagnose.
Recently declassified US Military documents such as Manhattan Project, shows how Fluoride is the key chemical in atomic bomb production and millions of tonnes of it were needed for the manufacture of bomb-grade uranium and plutonium.
Fluoride poisoning, not radiation poisoning, emerged as the leading chemical health hazard for both workers and nearby communities. During the Cold War, Dr. Harold C. Hodge, who had been the toxicologist for the US Army Manhattan Project, was the leading scientific promoter of water fluoridation. While Dr. Hodge was reassuring congress of the safety of water fluoridation, he was covertly conducting one of the nation’s first public water fluoridation experiments in Newburgh, New York, secretly studying biological samples from Newburgh citizens at his US laboratory at the University of Rochester. Although fluoride is up to fifty times more toxic than sulfur dioxide, it is still not regulated as an air pollutant by the American Clean Air Act. Since thousands of tonnes of industrial fluoride waste is poured into drinking water supplies all over North America, supposedly to encourage gleaming smiles in our children, big industry in the US has the benefit of emitting as much fluoride waste into the environment as they like with absolutely no requirement to measure emissions and no way of being held accountable for poisoning people, animals and vegetation.
“The rapid developments in genome mapping have enabled the Human Genome Project32 to meet all its goals for 1994-1998, and to add two new goals for 1999-2003: the determination of human sequence variation [mapping the SNPs] and functional analysis of the operation of the whole genome [understanding how the whole system works]. These are two goals vital to creating ethnic-specific genetic weapons.”
The Rockefeller Foundation's Molecular Vision of Life — How the Aims of Eugenics, Social Control, and Human Engineering Shaped Molecular Biology and 20th Century Science
“In her 1993 book The Molecular Vision of Life, Dr. Lily E. Kay, whom a 2001 MIT News Office obituary referred to as "one of the outstanding historians of biology of her generation," argued that the "new biology" was largely created by the Rockefeller Foundation and its subsidiary program at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) through a consensus between a scientific elite and a business elite whose broader aims centered on eugenics and the need to create a mechanism of social control and human engineering.”
"One CFR published policy objective is substantial worldwide depopulation including half of the current U.S. population being targeted. This population reduction program is largely funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Merck Fund, both financially and administratively linked to the Merck pharmaceutical company--the world's leading vaccine manufacturer........Records show the Merck pharmaceutical company received a major share of the Nazi "flight capital" at the close of World War II when its president, George W. Merck, was America's biological weapons industry director. These facts were revealed by Norman Covert, Army public relations director at Fort Detrick in Frederick, MD, and veteran news correspondent Paul Manning in his book "Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile"
Steven C. Rockefeller, a fourth generation member of the family, has remained dedicated to the family's history of philanthropy and promotion of population control. He played a central role in the writing of the United Nations Earth Charter, and chaired the Earth Charter International Drafting Committee from 1997 to 2000. He is currently a member of the Earth Charter Commission. Echoing past writings of Osborn and others, he stated in an interview at Tilburg University in the Netherlands that,
"Third, the Earth Charter recognizes that the dramatic rise in human population is putting great pressure on the resilience of ecological systems and has overburdened social and economic systems."
The Earth Charter itself says, "An unprecedented rise in human population has overburdened ecological and social systems. The foundations of global security are threatened. These trends are perilous but not inevitable."
The most powerful German economic corporate emporium in the first half of this century was the Interessengemeinschaft Farben or IG Farben, for short. Interessengemeinschaft stands for "Association of Common Interests" and was nothing more than a powerful cartel of BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, and other German chemical and pharmaceutical companies. IG Farben was the single largest donor to the election campaign of Adolph Hitler. One year before Hitler seized power, IG Farben donated 400,000 marks to Hitler and his Nazi party. Accordingly, after Hitler's seizure of power, IG Farben was the single largest profiteer of the German conquest of the world, the Second World War.
The Laws of the Pharmaceutical Industry
The main principles governing the pharmaceutical “business with disease.” It is not in the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry to prevent common diseases – the maintenance and expansion of diseases is a precondition for the financial growth of this industry.

As Nelson Rockefeller's protege, Kissinger began his early service to the "old money global elite" by recruiting Nazi scientists and "SS" officials to America through a secret Counter-Intelligence Corps (CIC) project that evolved into the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) infamous "Project Paperclip." Throughout World War II, the Rockefellers partnered with German industrialists as arranged by their lawyers and business managers-John Foster and Allen Dulles. These men clearly directed American intelligence agencies to serve the financial interests of the Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company that partnered with Germany's leading industrial organization-I.G. Farben. At the close of WWII, the I.G. Farben building in Frankfort, protected from allied bombings from the highest levels of military command, became CIA headquarters. Rockefeller then dispatched another lawyer and banking official, John J. McCloy, to disperse their German assets to form the modern day petrochemical/pharmaceutical combine known as the Bayer corporation (maker of CIPRO for anthrax), the Hoechst company (owner of Aventis and the smallpox vaccine) and BASF, the global chemical giant. The Merck pharmaceutical company also received a major share of Hitler's "flight capital," according to historians such as CBS News war correspondent Paul Manning.
“There has been much written in the press the last couple of weeks about the threat from terrorists if they commandeered a crop duster to spread biological warfare agents. Yet few writers have mentioned that these planes are used for this purpose every day, but not by terrorists. Instead, they are used by licensed operators who are spraying deadly chemicals on our lands and on our children.
We don't have to wait for chemical warfare to be waged on U.S. soil by terrorists. Such warfare has been underway for over a century. Every day, billions of pounds of deadly chemicals, many of which were used as chemical warfare agents in World War I and II, are applied as pesticides and herbicides to soil, plants, and people around the country and the world.
The number of deaths each year from pesticide poisoning is staggering and grossly underestimated. Migrant farm workers suffer the most and their deaths and birth defects rarely show up on the lists of the dead, since they can't afford health care and fear reprisal by immigration authorities. They may never make it in to a hospital or to a doctor.
Business and industry have been waging chemical warfare on U.S. citizens for decades.
Unlike most chemical compounds which pollute our food and water supply, fluoride is ubiquitous. Its increasing presence in virtually everything we eat and drink is protected by an outdated policy born over sixty years ago in order to minimize environmental and health concerns perceived by Uncle Sam to be petty, costly, and potentially crippling to the Nation itself.
Although many chemicals appear to serve no purpose other than increased corporate profit, this one is grandfather to them all: a specially protected element cloaked in propaganda and controversy for so long it has become nearly invisible -- a topic excluded from polite conversation, but one of immense importance. U.S. fluoride policy will affect the future of agriculture, the responsible treatment of the Gulf War victims, the disposal of chemical warfare agents currently threatening the lives of hundreds of millions of Americans, and, of course, the health of the World's entire population.
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are organic compounds that are resistant to environmental degradation through chemical decomposition
“…the United Nations and other multi-national institutions…used as fronts to conceal the extent of the U.S. involvement. They argue that the U.S. should "arrange for familiarization programs at U.N. Headquarters in New York for ministers of governments, senior policy level officials and comparably influential leaders from private life"
Supported in America by the Eastern Establishment, eugenics was nurtured in the hotbeds of Round Table-influenced philosophy, at Harvard, Columbia, and Cornell. The subject was popularized in Germany by Ernst Haeckel, who linked romantic German nature mysticism and the unity of the Volk with clinical bio-policies later instituted by Hitler.”
“The US experimentation with bio-weapons goes back to the distribution of cholera-infect blankets to American Indian tribes in the 1860s. In1900, US Army doctors in the Philippines infected five prisoners with a variety of plague and 29 prisoners with Beriberi. At least four of the subjects died. In 1915, a doctor working with government grants exposed 12 prisoners in Mississippi to pellagra, an incapacitating disease that attacks the central nervous system.”
1945 "Program F" is implemented by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). This is the most extensive U.S. study of the health effects of fluoride, which was the key chemical component in atomic bomb production. One of the most toxic chemicals known to man, fluoride, it is found, causes marked adverse effects to the central nervous system
1975 The virus section of Fort Detrick's Center for Biological Warfare Research is renamed the Fredrick Cancer Research Facilities and placed under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) . It is here that a special virus cancer program is initiated by the U.S. Navy, purportedly to develop cancer-causing viruses.
The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex: A Deadly Fairy Tale
by Dr. Doug Henderson and Dr. Gary Null
“Death by Medicine” Matthias Rath
“The pharmaceutical industrial complex is perhaps the largest, most influential cartel in the world…
“Approximately 20 percent of all human genes are patented…”
“The Pharmaceutical "Business with Disease" Causes More Deaths Than All Wars of Mankind Combined”
“Throughout the 20th century, the pharmaceutical industry was built and organized with the goal of controlling healthcare systems around the world by systematically replacing natural, non-patentable therapies with patentable and therefore profitable synthetic drugs…. The driving force of this investment industry was the Rockefeller Group…After Rockefeller’s Standard Oil (today EXXON), the second largest pharmaceutical/petrochemical corporate conglomerate during the first half of the 20th century, was the IG Farben conglomerate headquartered in Germany. This corporate conglomerate was the single most important factor for the political rise to power of Hitler and their joint conquest of Europe and the world. In fact, the Second World War was a war of aggression planned, started and conducted on the planning boards of IG Farben… IG Farben was the largest shareholder in Rockefeller’s Standard Oil and vice versa.”
“One year before Hitler seized power in 1933, IG Farben donated 400,000 marks to Hitler and his Nazi party. Accordingly, when the Nazis came into power the IG Farben was the single largest profiteer of the Second World War and of the plundering of Europe by the Nazis… Auschwitz was the largest mass extinction factory in human history, but the concentration camp was only the appendix. The main project was IG Auschwitz, a 100% subsidiary of IG Farben, the world’s largest industrial complex for manufacturing synthetic gasoline and rubber for the conquest of Europe…”
I. G. Farben companies behind Codex Alimentarius
The History of the "Business With Disease"
“The deceptive title "Codex Alimentarius" is no accident. It was devised by the same companies and indeed the same individuals, who gave the Auschwitz concentration camp inmates the deceptive slogan "Arbeit mach frei" ("Work makes you free"). (Remark made by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation)
As long as the Nazi infection continues to work its influence and threaten the lives of untold millions, no German has the right to proclaim that the Nazi era is finished.”
“The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan” (part 1 of 4)
As I’ve written many times before, the goal of the Power Elite (PE) is a World Socialist Government. Critical to coercing Americans to accept Socialism is the nationalization of key sectors of the economy, such as banking… I’ve mentioned the secret Nazi plan described in American official Sumner Welles’ The Time for Decision (1944). It was a plan (for a Nazi loss in WWII) which would come to fruition two generations later. It included Nazi agents going underground into two successive countries to avoid detection (Paul Dickopf went underground into Switzerland in 1942). These agents would eventually rise to positions of power in those second nations… As I’ve written before, Hitler’s rise and demise were facilitated by the PE. In the same year (1942) the Nazi agent Paul Dickoff went underground into Switzerland and the U.S. was already in the war, “Standard Oil of New Jersey managers shipped the enemy’s fuel through neutral Switzerland and the enemy was shipping Allied fuel. The Chase Bank in Nazi-occupied Paris after Pearl Harbor was doing millions of dollars worth of business with the enemy with the full knowledge of the heard office in Manhattan. Ford trucks were being built for the German occupation troops in France with authorization from Dearborn, Michigan. Col. Sosthenes Behn, head of ITT, flew from New York to Madrid to Berne during the war to help improve Hitler’s communications systems and improve the robot bombs that devastated London. And ITT built the Focke-Wulfs that dropped bombs on British and American troops.” (Charles Higham’s Trading With the Enemy, p. xv)… In order to explain what the PE was doing, it is important to look at how they operate, and John J. McCloy as an agent of the PE is a useful example of this regard. In the 1930s, PE agent McCloy’s law firm of Cravath, de Gersdorff, Swaine & Wood were attorneys for I.G. Farben. This is perhaps one reason McCloy sat in Hitler’s box at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin… McCloy’s lawfirm had as one of its clients the Rockefeller family, and during WWII McCloy was a senior member of John D. Rockefeller III’s intelligence group, the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (SWNCC). With this background, McCloy established the highly secret U.S. Army’s Psychological Warfare Division at the time of D-Day in 1944. It was also during this time from 1940 to 1946 that American Thomas Harrington McKittrick (an associate of J.P. Morgan Banking) was president of the Nazi-controlled Bank for International Settlements (BIS) where $378 million of the Nazis’ looted gold had been sent.
While it’s true that Mengele was trying “to produce an ideal race of Aryan men and women endowed with only the finest genetic traits, who would rapidly multiply and rule the world,” according to Lagnado and Dekel, it’s also true that aspects of Mengele’s research had nothing to do with this. For example, Lagnado and Dekel wrote that Mengele “also attempted to change the sex of some twins…. What was the point of these ghoulish experiments? No one, neither the child-victims nor the adult witnesses, ever really knew.” While sex changes would be largely irrelevant to developing an Aryan race, the change of one male and one female twin to both males or both females would be relevant to the matter of succession in the secret Nazi plan if replacing one identical twin with his brother or her sister at a later date was part of the plan…
Are we seeing any movement toward National Socialism and the use of eugenics in the U.S.? These are important elements in the PE’s larger plan for population control and a World Socialist Government. And remember that PE agent Sir Julian Huxley (Fabian Socialist and first director-general of UNESCO) in UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy (1948) wrote about “the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organization…. Political unification in some sort of world government will be required…. Even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”
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