The “Killer Vaccine” Worldwide. 7.9 Billion People
"What we have to face is not an occasional dose of poison which has accidentally got into some article of food...but a persistent and continuous poisoning of the whole human environment."
was one of the most influential, out-spoken and high profile nuclear
awareness educators and activists, up there right next to astronomer Carl Sagan. Her work was fundamentally truth and reality-based and bowed to no agendas of anyone at any level.
She was very much onto the widespread use of DU, or depleted uranium,
which began in the 6 Day War in the 1970's but became well-known for
its debilitating legacies from Gulf Wars, Afghanistan and anywhere the
NATO/Anglo-American-Israeli empire chose to bring freedom and democracy
"Why do people not want to know about the violence that is committed against Mother Earth? Is it a taboo to reveal a secret?
One thing, however, has never been understood properly: Dr. Bertell´s knowledge has, so far, not become the issue of an open public debate. Not only the powers that be, but also the social movements of today have not allowed this to happen. Very often, people reject this knowledge right away, because it is shocking to them. A first reaction typically consists of fleeing from it instead of trying to learn and doing something about it. Most of them simply deny the possibility that something like 'military geo-engineering' may even exist. In an effort to avoid confronting these facts they grasp the term prepared from above for the purpose of doing away with this sort of “evil knowledge“ and call it a ”conspiracy theory”!
So, even Rosalie Bertell who was a person beyond any possible suspicion of working at the levels of conspiracy theories, has been interpreted as such. Obviously, this could not be further from the truth, but it serves the interests of those who possibly don´t want the truth to be known.
The truth to be known are the facts about the system we live in, which in itself is based on different forms of direct and structural violence against life itself, against nature and against human beings! This truth is a secret and thus it has become a taboo to speak about these facts. Whenever this taboo is violated, we have observed, there is always a prompt reaction to stop any further discussion of it.
I have come to the conclusion that the truth about the system we live in, if we want it or not, is so horrible that nearly everyone tries to avoid seeing it..."
NOTE FROM JEFF: This is a section from my post from yesterday. This story is extremely important in many ways. My post yesterday for some reason hasn't been seen by very many people, and Jon Eisen, editor of Uncensored Magazine and The Real News in New Zealand wants to publish this in their next issue. I shared this with Sue and other than one minor change, she is happy with it. This is a truly legendary story that is important not just for the people of New Zealand but for the entire world: the 'people of one heart' standing up against their own government who clearly are not acting in the best interest of anyone or anything other than their own greed, power and not-so-hidden agendas.Sue and I are planning to do an interview this week, and I am working on two new articles, one about Sue's work in general and the other a look at the psyche/mentality of New Zealand as a whole, a story I can tell probably better than just about anyone out there, having lived there for almost half of the last 21 years, traveled comprehensively all over both islands, and have come to know and love the people, plants, animals, landscapes and spirit of Aotearoa. Stay tuned...https://mailchi.mp/082ed1989ea8/on-the-brink-radio-352-blast-from-the-past-proxima-centauri-flare-etidis-asters-of-the-dream-timepeaceful-top-end-ntwa-boundnzs-covid-warTHE ROOTS OF ECO-DEMENTIANew Zealand's obsession with killing and eradicating innocent children of Mother Nature began in earnest with the chemical warfare campaign of 1080 deployment in the late 1950's, which to date has disseminated approaching 250,000 kgs of this extremely deadly biocide that has been banned in the USA since the early 1970's because of its threat to human health. 1080 is an indiscriminate killer of all life-forms who depend on the Kreb's cycle for metabolic energy production, i.e., every member of every genus of the animal kingdom. It cannot 'break down' into anything simpler than its constituents elements, 24.5% of which is fluorine, the most active of all the elements and the most heavily weaponized along with uranium.ICONIC KEA ON BRINK OF EXTINCTION DUE TO 1080The widespread dissemination of 1080 throughout New Zealand's biosphere has resulted in the de facto fluoridation of all eco-systems, bodies of water, soils and aquifers. Add in the overt fluoridation of over 60% of public drinking water supplies in NZ, and you have a clear picture of why the people of Aotearoa have been so unswervingly obedient to the Covid regime's dictatorial and techno-fascist imperatives and proclamations about the perceived absolute necessity of everyone in the country receiving the so-called Pfizer 'vaccine.'Chronic low-level exposure of the kiwi population to the neurotoxic effects of fluorine compounds has been only one dimension of a suite of covert experimental operations carried out in New Zealand on-going for several decades, over-seen by departments and factions within organizations such as the Tavistock Institute, the Rand Corporation, NATO, the WHO, D.A.R.P.A., Booz Allen and Hamilton, WEF [I might have to file suit on these effers for violating the sanctity of my name!] and myriad agencies and ngo's run by the global intelligence community as well as super-wealthy elite globalists of which Bill Gates is only one example.This is a huge story that I have explored to a degree over the years, examining the vast contradictions between the realities of New Zealand, and the images she spends a lot of money to project to the world as well as how she is viewed by a big % of her population.
The whole Covid scenario is part and parcel of these operations which, under the smoke-screen of 'pandemic management' have escalated to DEFCON 4-level global techno-fascist imperial mobilization procedures straight out of NWO guru Zbigniew Brzezinski's handbooks for world control, Between Two Ages: America in the Technetronic Era and The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geo-strategic Imperatives.I would say that if you look at all the stuff done to pets and domestic animals, what is being foisted on the people of New Zealand, and world-wide, is precisely the same thing: incarceration, neutering/sterilization, breeding, RFID micro-chips and 'getting their shots.' Around the turn of the 20th century, top officials of the Ford Foundation observed, as recorded in the minutes of their board meetings, that the primary issue with which they were concerned was how best to 'manage humanity.' Philanthropically, of course.May I recommend a totally hilarious movie called 'Idiocracy', set in the year 2052. In the same way that in Woody Allen's film Sleeper in which he went into hospital to have his appendix removed, then woke up over 100 years in the future, having died on the operating table, been frozen then thawed out and brought back to life, in 'Idiocracy' two test subjects are frozen but due to social chaos only got thawed out 50 years in the future. They awoke to a world where everyone was really fat and stupid, where all the most ignorant rednecks had reproduced and were running things...kind of. This is satire at its best and I found myself laughing out loud quite a lot. It's got a lot of funny stuff but to me the best was the IQ test the main bloke had to take. Here was the question. "OK, you've got a bucket of milk that holds two litres and another one that holds three litres. How many buckets do you have?" His answer, after a pause to make sure he heard it right, was "Two?" as if that might not be right. But not only was it the right answer, he was the only person ever to take the test who got it right and was catapulted into the limelight as the smartest person in the world, then transported to the White House where the president...a muscular dread-locked black rapper...appointed him as Minister of the Environment, whose job it was to get the crops growing. He noticed that they all hated water and used Gatorade for everything...including irrigation...except flushing toilets...and so it went. Worth a watch and a few 'wow, we're kind of there now!'s.POTUS 2052 GIVING 'STATE OF THE UNION' ADDRESShttps://archive.org/details/Idiocracy_201507This film portrays a future that New World Order depopulation globalists fear is inevitable unless they fulfill their agendas. Can you blame them?The New Zealand of today is the world's leading proving ground for full spectrum 'humanity management' operations, procedures and techniquesSpeaking of 'proving', what exactly does 'proof' mean or translate into in the real world?TIME TO CALL A SPADE A SPADE:A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE ON NEW ZEALAND AT WAR OVER COVID RESPONSESUE GREY, NEW ZEALAND'S FIREBRAND IN THE WAR AGAINST THE JABI extend huge thanks and support to another coherent effort launched in New Zealand to shut down the widespread deployment of a so-called 'vaccine', whose administration has been determined by the Supreme Court of NZ to be illegal, and whose alleged 'benefits' are being proven day by day to be practically zero as compared with its real and extreme threat to human health.GOALKEEPERS 2019The Ardern administration made very shady deals with the Gates Foundation and Pfizer pharmaceuticals, both of whom have been indicted and convicted of what amounts to 'crimes against humanity': the Gates Foundation's 'immunization' projects resulted in the sterilization of millions of women. Pfizer in 2009 was convicted of criminal fraud in the marketing of a bogus product and paid out the largest fine in the history of the U.S. Justice department, $2.3 billion usd."WASHINGTON – American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. and its subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Inc. (hereinafter together "Pfizer") have agreed to pay $2.3 billion, the largest health care fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice, to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products, the Justice Department announced today."This tells the whole story in one paragraph. Nelson-based lawyer Sue Grey spear-headed a case which was heard in the Supreme Court in Wellington two weeks ago challenging the legality of the 'vaccine' rollout. The judge ruled in favour of Sue's group, BUT the very next day the Ardern administration changed the law using under-handed and nearly-illegal procedures making it 'legal.' This clearly demonstrates that their concern has nothing to do with the health or well-being of the people but only with their own impunity and agenda rollout. Sue told me that it feels ike the judge 'lost her nerve' and defaulted to the Crown. I wish that the judge herself could be subpoenaed and questioned about how and why she 'lost her nerve'HOMICIDE BY ANY OTHER NAME IS STILL HOMICIDE!Over the past two weeks a massive amount of new and improved information from the highest level-credibility sources is proving not only the overt criminal nature of 'big pharma' in general, but specifically why the mRNA 'vaccines' are NOT 'vaccines' but are highly experimental and untested recombinant gene therapies AND more importantly, contain what can ONLY be described as highly weaponized biochemical/molecular/genetic agents and technologies that create myriad disease syndromes, disruption of fertility processes, distribute toxic nano-technologies throughout the body and are actually resulting in serious injury and death in many cases. If someone drinks a glass of poison, dies a few hours later, then their cause of death is ruled as inconclusive, as this person had a life-long mild heart condition, would you be suspicious? Like my redneck friends used to say...and probably still do...YA DAMNED STRAIGHTBBC ANCHOR LISA SHAW'S DEATH: A COINCIDENCE?One of the most high-profile instances of this was the sudden death of a top BBC anchor just a few days ago, due to the blood clots now associated with the 'vax'. Of course, the findings will be inconclusive and even IF a connection is affirmed, the spin already is that 'well, a few deaths here and there are the price we must pay for protecting everyone...'FORMER NZ PM JOHN KEY "...WAS STUNNED..."And ANOTHER high-profile vax-questioner has spoken out expressing his curiosity or concern that many of his closest golfing buddies are absolutely refusing to take any jabs. John Key, who was PM of NZ for 8 years, who did more than his share to sell NZ out to the international banking cartel, 'big oil' and the Brzezinskian techne-tronic paradigm, may have performed his most important contribution to the genuine well-being of NZ merely by sharing his 'interest' in this.DOWNLOAD FREE COPY HEREIn the past 48 hours both Sue Grey and Uncensored Magazine editor Jon Eisen have open-fired in what appears to be a coordinated attack on New Zealand's increasingly illegitimate and illegal Covid regime.Eisen just published Issue Two of The Real News and yesterday Sue sent her second open letter to the Ardern administration calling for the immediate shut-down of the vax rollout.Here is the full text of her letter.OPEN LETTER No 2- An URGENT REQUEST FOLLOWING RESEARCH SHOWING THE "S PROTEIN" IN THE PFIZER JAB IS A TOXINTo: Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern <jacinda.ardern@parliament.govt.nz>, Hon David Parker <david.parker@parliament.govt.nz>, Hon Andrew Little <andrew.little@parliament.govt.nz>, Hon Chris Hipkins <chris.hipkins@parliament.govt.nz>, <ashley_bloomfield@moh.govt.nz>, Chris James <Chris.James@health.govt.nz>, <ayesha.verrall@parliament.govt.nz>Dear Prime Minister, Attorney-General, Minister of Health, Minister of Covid, Minister or Seniors, Director General of Health :I attach below some new and very important research which I must assume your advisors have not yet provided to you, or the experimental Pfizer injection rollout would surely already have been suspended.It is now clearly established that the S Protein is a toxin that causes the harmful symptoms known as 'Covid'.I surely don't need to explain the legal, ethical and human rights consequences of a government knowingly promoting a program which intentionally injects a life threatening toxin into healthy people.I also attach a report indicating that injected nanoparticles (and the S Protein) do not remain in the arm muscle but instead circulate throughout the whole body.The combined effect is that the Pfizer jab injects mRNA to take over cells to manufacture the deadly S Protein toxin and this spread throughout much of the body, manufacturing the S Protein toxin for days and in some cases many weeks.This explains why even the limited available research from the two months of study as summarised in the Comirnaty Data Sheet identifies possible harm to many different parts of the body including the heart, blood, brain, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, fainting and dizziness etc.This is no longer just a shocking experiment. Everyone involved is now on notice of this 'injection roulette' which may result in death or serious injury to previously healthy people. The health and safety implications for employers and those who push this jab, are significant.No post injection death can legitimately be ruled out as being caused or contributed by the injection, at least not without a full coroner's report. Certainly any post vax stroke, heart attack, other blood disorder, nervous system disorder or even suicide or car accident (known overseas as 'vaccidents') must prima facie be assumed to be caused or contributed to by the jab, at least until a full coroners report is undertaken.Similarly it is not good enough to claim that our seniors who die post jab were frail and likely to die. Surely if they were that frail they should have been spared from the jab. Anyway, surely 'deaths post Jab' should be treated consistently with 'deaths post Covid'.Despite the secretive, flawed and very passive official post jab injury reporting process ( CARM), and as a result of the more active community led follow up, you are already on notice of a number of deaths and life threatening and life changing harm from this injection. The deaths and harm will inevitably continue if there are any further injections. Perhaps initially you had an excuse that you thought the S Protein was 'safe'. However now you are on notice that it is not 'safe' by any definition.Further, although you in privileged position are on notice, many members of the public who you were elected to represent remain deceived by misleading claims in crown propaganda that the jab is 'safe and effective'. In these circumstances there can be no 'Informed consent. Each jab without Informed consent is in breach of the Health and Disability Code and is an assault.In these circumstances, the ongoing program is surely criminal, and indeed may result in Homicide as defined by the Crimes Act:158Homicide definedHomicide is the killing of a human being by another, directly or indirectly, by any means whatsoever.Compare: 1908 No 32 s 173Anyone who aids, abets or otherwise incites homicide is a party to that homicide.I note that the Director-General of Health has shared his view in sworn evidence that Covid is the most serious health issue for New Zealand in 100 years.I invite you all to consider that claim very carefully and critically. Please put Covid in perspective against the many other challenges which we face, including for example heart attacks, strokes, cancer, suicide accidents and diabetes and the nitrate and other contamination of much of our water.Surely you must agree that the harm is not from 'Covid' but from the 'Response to Covid'.The best expert evidence is that the risk from Covid is similar to the risk from influenza. Many experts are now saying that Covid is simply a rebranding of influenza and colds, supported by PCR testing that was never intended as a diagnostic tool. The WHO says that PCR testing should not be used beyond 20-25 cycles. OIA responses indicate that in NZ PCR tests use up to 45 cycles, which simply multiplies any contamination.Our government is about to enter dangerous new phase if it proceeds to inject more healthy New Zealanders with an injection that experts have established is toxic.Apart from the direct harm to those who choose, or are bullied to accept this injection, there is considerable peripheral harm. This includes the contamination of our Blood Bank with SProtein. We can only speculate on the risks for vulnerable people who receive blood contaminated with this toxin.Please stop and reflect. Please listen to international experts who are independent from Big Pharma and who are not invested in the Covid paradigm.Please listen to the New Zealand scientific and medical experts who have put their careers and reputations on the line out of extreme concern.Please correct the misinformation that this injection is "safe and effective" and "approved by Medsafe" when in fact it did not meet the statutory criteria that "benefit exceeds risk".There is no imminent health risk from suspending the program. Dr Bloomfield's sworn evidence was that the risks were mainly financial and reputational.Please find the courage to challenge whoever is driving this, and any who act on dogma rather than evidence, reason or ethics.The future of New Zealand depends on your courage to step up and make this critical call for our people.I urge you to listen, engage and act in the public interest.Please put aside your pride and the dogma, and suspend this program.I am happy to assist however I can.Sue Grey LLB (Hons), BSc (Biochemistry and Microbiology), RSHDipPHINga Kaitiaki Tuku Iho Medical Societyhttps://kti.org.nz/All I can say is WOW!NZ PRIME MINISTER DAVID LANGE: DAVID AND GOLIATHIn 1984 David Lange stood against the world's biggest super-power and forebade the presence of any U.S. nuclear-powered or armed vessels in New Zealand. This was less than a year before the French Secret Service blew up the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior in Auckland harbour (July 1985) which conducted protests against their nuclear testing in the south Pacific.This was also unprecedented politics in that pretty much everyone in the whole world outside the 'evil empires' of God-less communist regimes in China and what was still then the U.S.S.R. had been hypnotized by television and bending over to Uncle Sam ever since Hiroshima and Nagasaki for fear of having one form or another of the dreaded Yankee whoop-ass opened up on them.Lange's diplomatic audacity made him an over-night sensation in the global nuclear awareness community. But to virulent factions within the U.S. hegemony-war machine..."All things for God and Country...as long as you're white and Christian..." the radical Lange and renegade-isolationist peace-and-love New Zealand were targeted as their nemesis du jour. "How DARE you refuse to allow us to protect you? You just wait. We'll FIX THAT."TALES FROM THE CRYPTJESSE HELMS & JOE BIDENJoe is saying to Helms, "My preacher says Hell's full so looks like you and me are going to be around for a while, eh?" Being from North Carolina, I grew up hearing the name Jesse Helms most of my life.I never paid much attention to politics, but he was always on the news, running for re-election, and always being re-elected.As the years went by, as they do, and my socio-political awareness grew, in direct parallel to estrangement from my parents, I began to understand who Jesse Helms was and what he stood for. I already knew he was a racist with KKK affiliations. I had heard him on tv talking about 'them nyejears", "them niggrahs", and "them homasexyulls". He had an active hatred for black and gay people. This was from a U.S. senator.I didn't know much about his politics except that he was Republican. Ho hum. Yawn. They were all the same to me. I did know that he was the top lobbyist for 'big tobacco', R.J. Reynolds being one of his biggest supporters.MANY KLANSMEN PROFESS TO BE CHRISTIANMY DAD SMOKED TWO PACKS A DAYTHE PILLARS OF JESSE HELMS SUPPORTERSBUT in 1990 I was visiting an old high school friend near Chapel Hill, N.C., and came across an article in the paper telling the story of David Lange, Uncle Sam, and Jesse Helms. I read with great interest the story of how, in response to NZ's new anti-nuclear stance, Helms, who was at the time one of the most powerful people in Congress, chairing both the Senate Armed Services committee (which over-saw all military/defense funding) and the Senate Agricultural committee, was so angered by what Lange had done that he said to himself "I'm reckon I'm gonna fuck up New Zealand's economy by dumping a shitload of surplus American dairy products on the world market. That'll fux those kiwis, you wait and see..."USS SAMPSON: FIRST U.S. WARSHIP TO VISIT NZ SINCE 1986It didn't work. New Zealand had to wait for Jacinda to do that. Helms lasted for a few more years until the Grim Reaper found a slot for him where it was nice and warm. Lange persisted in the kiwi political arena, and his 'New Zealand as a Nuclear-free Zone' policy lasted until November 2016 (although in reality, NZ has always had its share of radio-nuclides like Strontium-90 like everywhere else in the world) when Auckland Harbour hosted Operation Mahi Tangaroa, a naval war-game involving over 3 dozen warships from several countries.PM John Key signed off on the USS Sampson being 'nuclear free' but his only evidence was the assurances of his advisors. Moreover, the U.S. "will not officially confirm or deny if its ships have nuclear capabilities" and given what we know about the U.S. military, the nature of secrecy and the exigencies of 'national security', the Precautionary Principle would in this case tell us that any U.S. naval vessel is not only 'nuclear capable' but has nuclear weapons in one form or another, whether it's torpedoes or surface-to-air missiles with micro-nuke warheads, micro-nuke anti-submarine depth charges, or at the very least countless rounds of DU (depleted uranium) ordnance.It hardly matters. In the techne-tronic era, all things nuclear are merely passive biological weapons; the next generation is based on microwaves and enables myriad forms of geo-terrorism, including weather modification, artificial earth-quakes, mega-cyclones, engineered drought, flooding and bush-fires. New Zealand and Australia are hot-beds for this kind of thing. Take a look at the USS Sampson. What do you think is inside all those golf-balls? And did you know that four years, Australia sold Woomera, a block of land in South Australia the size of England used for military purposes, to Raytheon, the world leader in microwave weapons, to create the 'world's most advanced weapons-testing facility.'?For the record. This story about Jesse Helms and New Zealand simultaneously made me aware of who Jesse Helms and David Lange were, put New Zealand squarely onto my psychic radar as a very cool place, and unbeknownst to me probably sent out etheric fibers for pre-booking my flight from Atlanta to Auckland in February 2000 and laid the foundation for my new life down under.To me, what Sue Grey has just done is not only the equivalent of what David Lange did, it goes much further: Lange's nuclear danger had not yet arrived, but all things Covid are very much here and now. The Covax situation of 2021 is trickier and less clear-cut, however, than even the pre-Chernobyl nuclear scenario of 1986: few sane people of today think that anything nuclear is safe (but there's plenty of the other kind who do, like Bill Gates and James Lovelock)[note: in this article Lovelock refers to AI as 'they'], the people of today have been exposed to 30+ years of increasingly weaponized mainstream media, and, although one of television's main purposes from its inception was to market 'the peaceful atom', Lange was not up against the biggest PR psy-ops campaign run by the biggest criminal conspiracy in the history of criminal conspiracies, the centralized control of mass-communication.Lange was practicing preventive medicine against potential hazards from a distant country across a large hemisphere of water; Sue Grey is performing forensic MRI scans in preparation for in situ bureaucratic surgery to amputate factions of a visibly corrupt and intractably criminal regime who is currently in office and has been enacting myriad legislation in recent years and decades, seeking unbridled impunity, to empower and entrench itself, grant itself dictatorial powers, zero accountability for anything it does, and absolute immunity for prosecution for anything it does found to be outside the law.What happens next is anybody's guess. What will the Ardern administration, its Crown handlers and NWO/Big Pharma/mega-billionaire financiers pull now they've been identified as criminal conspirators complicit in mass-homicide? I personally don't think this is an understatement of reality. Pass a new law making murder legal? Fabricate a huge Victoria-style 'out-break' declaring numerous hot-spots and imposing another lock-down to throw a (-nother) wrench into it all? Publish a Declaration of Trans-national Rights and just spill the beans?And as an interesting aside, is it merely a coincidence that Victoria, the state of Australia who has had by far the most brutal and currently on-going Covid lockdown operations also happens to be the only state of Australia who signed onto China's Belt and Road Initiative take-over/development regime? Former premiere Daniel Andrews signed off on this in 2018. Was his near-fatal 'accident' a while back, which some believe was not an accident, due to his non-compliance with Beijing in some old, forgotten way? You be the judge...who knows, maybe he fell out of favour with Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, for not meeting his vax quota. Jacinda, take heed!Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental COVID “Vaccines”https://www.globalresearch.ca/death-rates-skyrocket-israel-following-pfizer-experimental-covid-vaccines/5738949COVID Hospitalizations Triple in One Monthhttps://www.globalresearch.ca/covid-hospitalizations-deaths-vaccinated-more-than-triple-one-month-cdc-reports/5747233NOTE: This could be the beginning of the 'injury spike' that Dr. Sherri Tenpenny predicted would occur beginning from 3-14 months after vax deploymentWorldwide Genocide Continues: 13,867 Dead and 1,354,336 Injuries in European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shotshttps://www.globalresearch.ca/worldwide-genocide-continues-13867-dead-1354336-injuries-european-database-adverse-drug-reactions-covid-19-shots/5747241If governments and health authorities were even remotely concerned about human health, there's no way they'd be administering any 'vaccine' that's untested, highly experimental and creating great harm to a lot of people. At the first indication that it might have harmful effects it would be pulled, just like botulism-infected soup and Thalidomide were. Instead, they demand and coerce in every conceivable way that everyone must get it..NOW MORE THAN EVER! "GET THE JAB, PEEPS!" Why is this?As I see it the real purpose of the 'vax' is to deliver advanced technologies into the bodies of as many people as possible. These could be almost anything small enough to go through a needle, but are likely to be involved with both genetic/genomic manipulation (for immediate or slow-motion self-destruction and/or reproductive mutation/suppression) as well as 'Internet of Things' tracking that gives each person a unique identification code and puts them on the radar of a huge computer simulation.VAX-FACTS YOU NEED TO CONSIDERWIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS"Although the Internet of Things (IoT) has been defined in various perspectives, there is a common version that is widely accepted by scholars as follows: IoT is a dynamic global network infrastructure with self-configuring capabilities based on standard and interoperable communication protocols, where physical and virtual 'things' have identities, physical attributes, and virtual personalities and use intelligent interfaces, and are seamlessly integrated into the information network [1]. Recently, IoT has been widely accepted as a promising paradigm that can transform our society and industry. It can achieve the seamless integration of various devices equipped with sensing, identification, processing, communication, actuation, and networking capabilities [2].A wireless sensor network (WSN) plays a key role in IoT. It consists of a large number of distributed sensors interconnected through wireless links for physical and environmental monitoring purposes. On the other hand, Big Data is considered as an emerging technology and has become a very active research area, primarily involving topics related to data mining, machine learning, database, and distributed computing. During the past couple of decades, wireless sensor networks (WSNs), as a subset of IoT, have been widely utilized in a variety of smart applications and services, including smart home [3], smart building [4,5], smart transportation [6,7], smart industrial automation [8,9], smart healthcare [10], smart grids [11], and smart cities [12]. Similar IoT-based technologies can certainly be applied to the monitoring and protection of marine environments."And to the monitoring and surveillance of the human population. Quantum-dot technology based on nanoparticle semi-conductors offer..."...smarter, more advanced QD probes such as quantum dot fluorescence resonance energy transfer (QD-FRET) sensors, quenching sensors, and barcoding systems are paving the way for highly-sensitive genetic and epigenetic detection of diseases, multiplexed identification of infectious pathogens, and tracking of intracellular drug and gene delivery."Substitute 'detection' with 'creation', 'identification' with 'insertion', and 'tracking' with 'facilitation' and voila...what is actually happening."We are actually hacking the software of life." MODERNA'S TOP SCIENTISThttps://www.globalresearch.ca/moderna-top-scientist-we-hacking-software-life/5739580The so-called 'vax' is clearly not preventing disease; quite the contrary, it's effects and after-math are far worse. The overall scenario reeks very much of AI techno-fascism.And the people of New Zealand may consider themselves to be safe from Covid, but they are under the knife of the Covid response, a textbook example of how 'the cure is worse than the disease.' Not to mention that NO ONE on Earth has had enough time to know exactly what the long- or even medium-term effects on them are from the mRNA experimental gene therapies. To understand genomic issues takes not only years but generations. And with Covid, the agenda is not to 'heal the disease' but to 'implement the cure'.THE BURDEN OF PROOFWHO NEEDS OXYGEN WHEN THEY CAN HAVE NICOTINE?When it comes to 'proof' of something, I always use the example of cigarettes. It is generally accepted, even by smokers, that smoking causes lung cancer. That so many believe this yet continue to smoke is a story in itself. But my question is,"Does any so-called proof of this exist, in the form of definitive research publications, judicial findings or rulings, or 'health organization' warnings?" I have never found an answer to this, and have begun to look deeply at the whole nature of 'proof' of anything, what this means from linguistic, day to day common sense, legal, moral, ethical and philosophical perspectives.'Proof' itself may need to be subpoenaed and put on the stand in order to ascertain who or what its true identity is. This article from The Lancet has a lot to say:LUNG CANCER AND SMOKING: IS THERE PROOF?https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/2/6033/439.full.pdf"Doctors who advise patients to stop smoking cigarettes are often asked whether it is really proved that smoking is the major cause of lung cancer. Such a question betrays an ignorance of both the existing evidence and what would constitute proof, so that it may be appropriate to review these aspects again.The matter is far from academic, for a causative association indicates a completely safe preventive treatment for the disease. There is a striking and undisputed association between cigarette smoking and lung cancer of oat cell or squamous cell type. This is evident whether patients with lung cancer (and controls) are asked about their smoking habits or whether lung cancer mortality is observed in people whose smoking habits have previously been determined. Moreover, the greater the number of cigarettes smoked the higher the risk of lung cancer, and in regular cigarette smokers this is the commonest form of cancer. As in most cancers the incidence of lung cancer in smokers increases rapidly with age, but in ex-smokers it remains remarkably constant-frozen, as it were, around the age the habit was stopped. Together with the increases (over and above those that could be attributed to improved diagnosis) in lung cancer mortality around the world since cigarette smoking became a very common habit, these facts have persuaded most people who have examined the evidence that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer. That is the most plausible interpretation of the epidemiological evidence. Furthermore, cigarette smoke condensate is carcinogenic in laboratory animals.In allowing that this evidence still does not amount to formal proof of the causative hypothesis, we must point out that what might be regarded as proof is impossible to achieve: a planned experiment in which two randomly selected groups of people were persuaded to take up or to avoid the habit, or alternatively for one randomly selected group of smokers to give up and another to continue to smoke."If we substitute 'covid vaccines' for 'cigarette smoke' a very interesting picture begins to emerge. Shouldn't the burden of 'proof' be for the foisters to show that harm is NOT done rather than the converse, for the vax-resistors to 'prove' that harm IS done?BRAIN FOOD FOR COVID UNDERSTANDINGOTB INTERVIEW WITH ELANA FREELAND, author, Under An Ionized Skyhttps://soundcloud.com/user-460305711/on-the-brink-radio-special-report-elana-freeland-the-technetronic-agendaOTB #334 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY/THE SOLID STATE ENTITYhttps://mailchi.mp/334a89c9b088/on-the-brink-radio-328-artificial-intelligence-synthetic-biology-the-solid-state-entity-our-war-on-whaleslife-a-transnon-human-agendaI've talked about some of this stuff before and delved into the 'beyond-sci fi' scenario that is unfolding. I will pick back up on this in my next blog post but for now here is some food for thought.NEW ZEALAND PSYCHIATRIST DR. EMANUEL GARCIA"I was astonished by the submission of the people to all this...the mask is a badge of slavery..."https://voicesforfreedom.co.nz/lockdown-tv-dr-emanuel-garcia/UNICEF: PORNOGRAPHY 'NOT HARMFUL' FOR CHILDRENDR. CARRIE MADEJhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/NrKZ59uLiJQM/https://mycyclestory.com/home/about/DR. ROGER HODGKINSONhttps://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/05/23/an-exclusive-interview-with-dr-roger-hodkinson-when-the-history-of-this-madness-is-written-reputations-will-be-slaughtered-and-there-will-be-blood-in-the-gutter/DAVID ICKEhttps://www.brighteon.com/a6009d0f-0608-4892-8dfa-4970eec73715"'It looks increasingly as if Covid-19 is a kind of chimera, largely created by our own modern fears,' Thornley concluded in his post."DR. SIMON THORNLEYhttps://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/coronavirus/125035835/the-scientist-and-the-rabbit-hole-how-epidemiologist-simon-thornley-became-an-outcast-of-his-professionhttps://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Vaccines-Lies-And-Smears-Odyssey-Comp-2:chttps://www.globalresearch.ca/same-pattern-everywhere/5745356https://www.statnews.com/2021/05/27/as-covid-dissipates-cold-flu-viruses-return-vengeance-2/